Body Metal Detectors are instruments used to detect metallic impurities. Typically, a metal detector door is composed of a transmitter and a receiver sensor. When the metal passes through the electromagnetic field generated by the transmitter, the signal received by the sensor will change. Metal detectors in the electronic components, see this change and judge this
Whether the change is caused by metal. If metal is found, perform the appropriate alarm or exclusion action.
What is the use of metal detectors for you?
There are usually two reasons for using metal detectors.
(1) Protect your valuable equipment or key equipment
(2) Make sure your product is perfect
If you have a piece of metal debris that you don't know how to mix it into your mill, slicer, mill, or cutter, it will inevitably damage your equipment. Not only do you waste production time and gold repairing your equipment, but metal scrap can become smaller and harder to find. For you, it is more important to keep the quality of your product perfect. If you find some metal impurities in your final product, it will probably destroy your company's image and reputation.
Where should the metal detector door be installed?
If you use a metal detector to protect your equipment, you should install the metal detector as close as possible to the entrance of the protected equipment, but leave enough room for the metal detector door to When metal is detected, it can stop before the metal enters the device.
If a metal detector door is used to verify your final product, the detector should be installed as far as possible at the end of the production line. In this way, the possibility of mixing metal in the package is avoided in theory.
If the package itself contains metal or the final package is too large to get good detection sensitivity, then the metal detector door should be installed before the packaging machine.
How to choose a suitable metal detector door?
Today's metal detectors are reliable in terms of sensitivity, reliability and accuracy. The key is to apply to you. Make sure the probe is just the right size to ensure that the product you are testing can be in all directions.
By the way, the mounting position of the probe is also just right. Then, choose a professional manufacturer that you can rely on to provide technical support.
What is the product effect?
In fact, all products, when they pass the electromagnetic field of the detection area, produce some kind of signal. Factors affecting product effect signals are: moisture content, fat content, temperature, acidity, salinity, direction and volume. Products with small product effects generally have higher detection sensitivity. The metal detector's suppression function for product effects can also be used to improve the sensitivity of metal detection. This aspect of digital metal detectors has unparalleled advantages.
What is sensitivity?
The sensitivity of a metal detector door is defined as the diameter of the smallest metal sphere that can be detected in the center of the probe. Sensitivity is also divided into; maximum sensitivity and product detection sensitivity. Maximum sensitivity refers to the highest sensitivity of the metal detector door under the theoretical strip. The detection sensitivity of the strip product refers to the highest sensitivity of the metal detected in the product in practical applications. Usually the wearing detection sensitivity is more practical.
What factors affect sensitivity?
The sensitivity of metal detector gates is determined by many factors: product effects, shape, size and orientation of metal impurities, probe size, and operating environment.
What is a different kind of metal?
Iron metal is a metal that guides magnetic properties very well. For example, carbon steel and iron, he is the easiest to detect. Non-ferrous metals are also non-magnetic metals. Such as: copper, lead, yellow steel, bronze, etc., is also relatively easy to detect. Non-magnetic stainless steels such as 302, 304 and 316 are the most difficult to detect metals. Typically, the diameter of a non-magnetic stainless steel that can be detected by a metal detector door is at least 1.5-2 times the diameter of the iron that can be detected.
What should I do if I detect metal?
Many metal detector doors are equipped with automatic removal devices that automatically remove metal-containing impurities from the production line when the metal is detected. This can help collect and test where these metal impurities come from. The shedding of small pieces of metal debris is a precursor to big problems. If there is no automatic removal device, the product containing metal impurities should be removed manually. Also find the source of the metal and analyze the cause.