Hot security x-ray baggage scanner models for 2021
There are situations when it is necessary to inspect an object. An assistant in this matter will be special equipment - an X-ray security screening system(рентгеновских интроскопов), the main task is to ensure safety by detecting objects carried by passengers which are prohibited for transportation. The best manufacturers supply the market with a huge number of popular models of units that make it completely safe for people to stay in a certain place. Which company is the best to buy a product from depends on many factors. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
What is the X-ray security screening system(рентгеновских интроскопов)
All products on the market differ not only in characteristics but also in functionality, size, and purpose. The operation of the equipment directly depends on X-ray radiation, therefore, safety rules must be observed during operation. The operator must have the relevant knowledge and experience, complete training courses in which he will acquire the skills to analysis the image that appears on the screen, and also learn how to quickly and efficiently respond to the current emergency situation.
The operation of any modern security x-ray scanner is completely safe. Although radiation is generated during scanning, the radiation level is not capable of damaging inanimate objects. Food, clothing, items, cosmetics will not be affected.
As for the operator himself and close people, there is no negative impact on them. Radiation does not penetrate the body. The only way to get a dose of radiation is to enter the tunnel, which is closed with special curtains made of heavy metals and polymers. They are capable of completely screening the radiation of the device. Experts recommend not to rush with your luggage and not climb into the tunnel. In other cases, the devices are completely harmless. There is no need for special protective devices even for operators.
What are the devices for inspection?
Manufacturers produce a variety of products that differ in design features, tunnel sizes, and parameters. The physical values depend on the area of use and the performance of the tasks assigned to the product. So, for inspection of hand luggage, devices with a tunnel size of 600 * 400mm are used, for bulky luggage, the optimal size is 1000 * 1000mm. The tunnel size can be much larger for your choices.
The following types of equipment are distinguished by the number of images received:
1. Single projection (presence of an X-ray generator) or single view. During scanning, an image of an object is obtained, in which the objects inside are shown with a color corresponding to the atomic number of the substance.
2. Dual projection (equipped with two generators) or dual view. Play the subject scanned image horizontally and vertically. Such designs are more advanced. They allow you to quickly identify the source of the threat without re-scanning and changing the location of the studied subject.
3. CT scanner is a hollow tube that surrounds your bag. The X-ray mechanism revolves slowly around it, bombarding it with X-rays and recording the resulting data. The CT scanner uses all of this data to create a very detailed tomogram (slice) of the bag.
All popular models produced differ in design and performance, therefore they are divided into the following categories:
• scanning of X-ray security scanner;
• surface sensing method;
• mobile units;
• direct-acting devices;
• small portable scanning devices.
By the type of radiation, products are:
• with diffuse radiation;
• with combined;
• with absorbed
Principle of operation:
The most popular, according to buyers, is x-ray inspection equipment. It's comfortable to use and can move with wheels. Despite the elementary design and primitive appearance, it is impossible to use them without the acquired knowledge and experience, therefore all operators undergo special training.
The operation of the security x-ray machine is based on X-ray structural analysis, diffraction of radiation allows you to investigate "from the inside" of the object under study. The research activities are as follows:
1. Packages, backpacks, bags, suitcases, and other goods are put on the conveyor belt of the apparatus, which is set in motion.
2. The object enters the baggage scanner(ИНТРОСКОПЫ).
3. The loaded object is irradiated with an X-ray tube at a specific angle.
4. X-ray tube location: top of the tunnel, bottom or side.
5. When colliding with objects of different thicknesses and densities, the X-ray beam is scattered, which leads to the loss of part of the radiation energy.
6. The rest of the energy is recorded by the installed detectors and converted into electrical signals.
7. The information goes to the processing unit, where processing takes place.
8. The image of the checked object is displayed on the operator's screen.
High density materials absorb a lot of radiation, so objects are depicted in dark colors. Minor objects are reflected in a light color. Therefore, an experienced operator can distinguish between the contents of the package, baggage and the loaded cargo without opening it.
The main characteristics of X-rays are as follows:
• The human eye does not see them;
• Able to penetrate through opaque bodies and objects;
• Give shine to certain substances and chemicals;
• Linear principle of propagation (the beam does not bend around objects).
The first x-ray inspection system gave a black and white scanned image. Now the advanced display technologies allowed the creation of images with a wide color gamut. In addition, prohibited items and substances will be painted and marked in a specific color, warning the operator about the need for a more detailed study of the object.
Scope of application of x-ray inspection equipment
They are installed in buildings for the inspection of hand luggage and baggage where there is a large crowd of people. They are able to guarantee security in public places, eliminate the anti-terrorist threat, prevent theft from warehouses and shops, detect explosives, weapons, drugs, contraband goods, plastic explosives, flammable liquids.
The list of the main inspection sites includes:
• Ports;
• Railway station;
• Airports;
• Public buildings;
• Large shopping centers;
• Sites for public events (concerts, competitions, peaceful parades, church);
• Metro station;
• Sports complexes(stadium);
• Customs ;
• Loading terminals;
• Temporary storage warehouses;
• Logistic warehouse;
• Large financial institutions(bank);
• Prisons.
The main task of devices is to examine objects, regardless of their size, the thickness of the walls of the container/bag/suitcase, etc. for inclusion in the list of devices prohibited for production, storage, use, and movement.
Basic requirements for security x-ray machine (интроскопы)
Manufacturers produce a huge number of popular models of security inspection equipment. New and improved items are released annually. What shall we look for in order not to make the wrong choice? Experts recommend that serious checks about obtaining a certificate for the device. This applies to any product, cheap or expensive, regardless of brand and country of origin. A certified product is a guarantee of the quality and safety of any equipment.
At the legislative level, the requirements that must be met by all manufactured X-ray equipment are defined. The main features of the devices are:
• Complete safety for the environment;
• No damage to the health of the service personnel;
• Detection of completely hidden attachments;
• No negative impact on food, cosmetics, and other investigated items;
• Easy of use;
• Ergonomics;
• Practicality of the mechanism of action;
• Ensuring high productivity of inspection activities.
How to choose the right option?
The selection criteria are different for everyone. Before proceeding with the purchase, experts advise determining the area of the installation. For bags, letters, and other correspondence, compact, lightweight, and easy-to-use mobile devices are suitable. To inspect bulky packages or bulky goods, it is necessary to purchase modern high-precision dimensional big-size units.
Which design is the best to buy? It depends on many factors. A review shows that tunnel size is an important matter. It is determined based on the parameters of the allowed baggage. Models with advanced features available: additional conveyor with higher lifting capacity. It is equipped with special devices for transferring the load to the conveyor belt.
Much depends on the type of objects being detected. If it is necessary to inspect metal containers, equipment with a higher penetrating power should be preferred. This is the best technique for inspecting your cargo thoroughly and not missing a thing.
One cannot but pay attention to the conveyor's running speed. This applies to objects with a large crowd of people. The location of the tunnel is also important. The lower it is, the more convenient it is to put heavy bags, backpacks, and suitcases on it.
The question of where to buy an airport x-ray scanner does not remain relevant. The technique is specific, professional, so you need to be sure of its reliability, efficiency, long service life because it is not cheap. The best option is to visit a specialized store. There you can talk to a professional sales manager, get advice, request a certificate, and inquire about new products. You can order products online in the online store, making sure of the decency of the supplier.
Advantages of the SA5030A security x-ray baggage scanner(интроскопа) for hand baggage and small parcels
1. Bi-directional scanning provides reliable detection of dangerous and prohibited items without changing the position of the baggage.
2. An additional check with an archway metal detector is an option.
3. X-rays penetrate 10 mm stainless steel.
4. An alarm is triggered when a high-density object that is impervious to X-rays enters the tunnel. The object itself will be highlighted in the scan.
5. The clear image of 1280 * 1024 pixels is convenient to view and enlarge on a 21-inch color monitor. The scan processing mode is available using a graphics card: conversion to negative, black and white or pseudo color, super enhancement, light absorption adjustment, etc.
6. If necessary, you can enlarge the picture up to 32 times for a more detailed examination.
7. You can review the last 30 scanned scans, and store at least 100,000 images in the device's memory.
8. Supports multiple languages.
An optimal ratio of quality and price of the x-ray security scanning equipment.
The SA6040 security screening x-ray system (рентгенотелевизионной установки) separates materials by atomic weight with the separation of organic, inorganic and mixed materials in different colors. Middle tunnel size: 600mm(Width)*400mm(Height) is used for screening luggage, cardboard boxes, backpacks, bags, and mail. The compact construction can be used in small spaces and confined spaces. Used for mass events, concert halls, and stadiums. There is also a built-in monitor. The Hazardous Object Injection (TIP) feature allows you to monitor the quality of your operators. Has an intuitive interface and a comfortable keyboard with a touchpad. The delivery set includes the device itself and an extension table designed to receive luggage from the conveyor belt.
- High performance in a compact size
- Multi-energy scanning technology
- Color highlighting of materials with different atomic weights
- High penetration and resolution
Application area
- Airports, train stations, and other transport facilities
- Border inspection points
- Correctional institutions
- Stadiums, venues for public events
- Government agencies
This device, despite its attractive cost, is intended for the inspection of bulky goods and large items. Allows you to identify contraband, drugs, weapons and explosives. Regardless of the type and volume of the checked container, the image is as clear and contrasting as possible. The operator can easily determine the presence of mixed, inorganic or organic materials in a container containing a wide variety of items. The lowered conveyor is responsible for greater convenience in subsequent operations. Loading capacity 200 kg. It is mainly used at border checkpoints.
For greater safety and transparency of the manipulations carried out by the operator, the TIP (Injection of Dangerous Items) option is available. The function is designed to control the work of personnel.
• increase in productivity ratio;
• high resolution and penetrating power;
• low position of the conveyor belt;
• the presence of dust and moisture protection;
• extended capabilities;
• excellent equipment;
• price;
• the presence of sound signals (including alarms).
Before choosing an airport x-ray baggage scanner(рентгенотелевизионного интроскопа), you should familiarize yourself not only with the description of the model but also pay attention to the comments and main characteristics provided by the manufacturers. An important factor is the area of its subsequent application. For airports and stadiums, it is customary to use devices with different specifications of options. The maximum load on the conveyor line and the duration of continuous operation of the device are taken into account.
A security x-ray scanner is a multifunctional device belonging to the category of security inspection equipment, which allows non-contact monitoring.
Such devices are found everywhere, be it an educational institution or a police station. It is customary to install premium models at airports and other places where there is a constant flow of visitors. In a few seconds, the operator will be able to check the contents of the bag or box and make sure that there are no prohibited items.